Lyttelton Energy Transition Society

Be part of our future

  • Energy independence
  • Sustainability
  • Cheaper energy
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Solar panels being installed on a tile roof by
Photo by Bill Mead on Unsplash

LETS Mission Statement

The mission of the Society is to promote, support, manage and employ the generation and use of electricity from renewable energy sources in Lyttelton, to decentralise the generation of electricity in Lyttelton, to establish democratic control over the generation and distribution of locally generated electricity, and to ensure that the local community has equitable access to electric energy and becomes more secure, self-reliant and better prepared to sustain the effects of the phasing out of fossil fuels.

What we're up to

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A laptop and mobile phone with someone appearing to be working on both simultaneously Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash
newsletter archive

LETS Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive



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As a requirement of membership you need to agree to our rules, please also see our privacy policy.

  • Email Newsletters
  • Regular Updates
  • Community Engagement
$5 pa per person

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We will then be in touch with an invoice.

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be part of making our community energy independent

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